I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you.
— A prayer for a friend (3 John 2)

Ministry Coaching

One of my greatest joys is seeing pastors flourish in life and ministry. I fully embrace the view espoused by people like Augustine of Hippo, Jonathan Edwards, C. S. Lewis, that happiness is something that we should pursue for our good and God’s glory. As Lewis once wrote: “It is a Christian duty, as you know, for everyone to be as happy as he can.” I have learned a great deal from success as well as setback. I know first-hand that pastoral ministry can filled with delight and marked by discouragement. I still believe pastors can achieve some measure of joy in ministry, even while we all wait for its completion in the kingdom of God. I work with pastors to develop a personal plan that focuses on key aspects of human well-being published by the Harvard Human Flourishing Program. Research in human flourishing shows that a variety of factors contribute to human happiness. These include mental, spiritual and physical health, family relationships, meaningful friendships and financial well-being. The Bible has much to say about all of these God-created areas of our lives. Currently my coaching is limited to select clients of Church Growth Services, though I hope to serve other leaders in the future.